Welcome to Ocean State Outfitters®.

You have found the absolute best Sea Duck hunting guide service from Coast-to-Coast, hunting Sea Ducks from Maine to New York and in beautiful Southeast Alaska.

We look forward to helping you plan and enjoy your Sea Duck hunt of a lifetime.

When it comes down to it every Sea Duck hunting guide shares in the fact that we have and hold an abundance of Sea Ducks along with a wide variety of other waterfowl. With that in mind, we take pride in being a TROPHY ORIENTED guide service. It is not our practice to go out day after day and pile up birds that are not also known for being table fare. We, as a guide service, and you as our hunters/clients need to be stewards of our natural resource. Please keep this in mind while researching us, or any guide, for your future hunt.

It is quite simple, Capt. Jeremiah, owner, and operator of Ocean State Outfitters® feels it is a privilege to share his years of experience as a successful Sea Duck hunting guide with you.

Ocean State Outfitters® is easily, the best Sea Duck hunting guide service on the East Coast Atlantic flyway. We achieved that fact through dedication, motivations, integrity and commitment to you and the success of your hunt. At Ocean State Outfitters®, we are both dedicated, and committed to producing what we sell every day. The absolute best Sea Duck hunting experience available.

I personally invite you to experience our dedication, motivation, integrity, and commitment to your success. These are the core values OSO® adds to your hunt that will take it from “bagging a lot of birds” to the “Sea Duck hunt of a lifetime” where you bag your trophy birds, share camaraderie, laugh, and foster friendships that will last a lifetime.

We know you have choices where to spend your hard-earned money, and we appreciate the opportunity to earn your business.

Ocean State Outfitter® (OSO),

The Best Sea Duck Hunting Guide Service on the East Coast!

Capt. Jeremiah Brooks


Ocean State Outfitters® specializes in sea duck hunting by harvesting mature, trophy Common Eider, Old Squaw, Diver ducks and all three species of Scoter. Our hunts take place in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and surrounding New England areas where our vast majestic shoreline provides prime habitat for Atlantic Flyway Sea Duck hunting.

Captain Jeremiah Brooks will personalize your sea duck hunt targeting any species of duck, within our part of the Atlantic fly way. Our goal here at Ocean State Outfitters® is to assist you in harvesting the sea ducks and other waterfowl you need to complete your trophy room or would just enjoy hunting.

Whether you are looking to go trophy sea duck hunting, puddle duck hunting or put the hammer down on huge Canadian Geese, OSO® has the prime locations and top guides for sea duck hunting in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and surrounding New England areas.

Feel free to give us a call to arrange your next sea duck hunting adventure.

We appreciate your business. Please review the terms and conditions that apply to all our hunting and fishing charters.

Feel free to give us a call to arrange your next sea duck hunting adventure.


Sea Duck hunting Guide|Sea Duck hunting Outfitter|East Coast Sea Duck hunting|Water fowl hunting is what we do|Capt. Jeremiah Brooks| 401-824-6440|Sea Duck Hunting forum